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Monday, September 14, 2015

Moon Rising and Freelance Friday

Hello Lovelies!

Well it's Sept 14th already and time keeps on moving on. Only 3 1/2 more months of this year left and I find that the last quarter of the year moves by really quickly but I'd appreciate those of you that are already Christmas shopping and caroling to stop until after Halloween! No countdowns yet and stop asking me what I want! I have no idea and never really do.

As Fall rolls in with it's promise of comfort and coziness, energy seems to be running full tilt getting ready to cocoon ourselves. With the Autumn Equinox on the 23rd the days are still very-warm but the nights are getting cooler. Darkness comes sooner and lasts longer but that's never bothered me. I'm ok with waking up and staring at the moon while she's still high in the sky looking down as she begins her rule for the next 6 or so months. Then again I'm a moon baby and even named my oldest after a Goddess of the moon.

The leaves are beginning to turn already and aside from them filling my gutters and creating problems with the water flow, the cooler outside just makes me happy for the warmer inside, I did what I'm hoping was the last cut of the year on my lawn which didn't take much because of the dry Summer. After a week of rain we had those green blades came back with a vengeance but were easily taken care of.

Now don't get me wrong...I like Summer, I do like the bright days and the sun shining and everything in bloom repeatedly but I hate being to hot to sleep and not being able to efficiently cool down and the bugs... I hate the bugs not all of them just the pain in the ass ones you know bees, flies, spiders actually the spiders don't bug me at all. No See Um's  and fruit flies are the devil.

With all that's been going on I typically have to pile more stuff on top of it all.What I had wanted to say on Friday but tripped down memory lane instead was this.

I have met over the years several local people with talents I would love to share with you from Artists and Photographers along with Musicians, Chef's and people that put their faith into their own ideas and make it work and other creative people that have the drive . People that are passionate about what they do and want some more exposure and that's when I came up with Freelance Friday. Each week I'd like to showcase someone and their work and conduct an interview...the only problem is that I don't know anything about interviewing except that when I've been interviewed, for me it was an awkward experience but that's ok! I have a plan for that.

I know how I want everything else to go though so I figured I would try a trial run using volunteers and I know who those people are even if they don't know yet! I am also determined for it to be a fun experience I can add to my list of things I have attempted. And I have not forgotten about those of you that have asked me to read, listen to or check out your passions it's just all a matter of getting it all organized and I'll be in touch with you guys too and might have some questions for you even though you're not local. Local is relative now though isn't it because it's so easy to reach out on a global level.

I should make a spreadsheet for all of that because there is so much to do and part of it is trying to get my office space sorted out and the space being a spare bedroom that has been used for storage and a crash space for visitors. It just needs to be set up right and once it is...well we'll see what happens.

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