Happy day after Labour Day!
( Yes there is a u in there. )
So all the wee children are back to school today and doesn't that mess up things for everyone! Traffic and schedules being changed. On Sunday I went through Walmart with Blondunicorn and it was anarchy but I knew this before I went there and boy didn't a tiny part of me got all nostalgic about the first days of school for my kids and picking out books and pens and pretty girly stuff all pink and sparkly! Until your jammed up cart to cart with screaming 5-12 yr olds and then you think "Thank god that is over!"
I was all over it like most parents, cheering along side them happy for the "mom I'm bored" and "I don't want to go to bed at 8" arguments to be put in the suck it up category because I'm free of you now for a few hours! I feel for you guys but doesn't it screw up everything else? Buses that ran at certain times over the Spring and Summer have been shifted or completely removed from service, traffic crawls, and all the TV stations change their Logos. On the side though snack foods are much cheaper during the school year and that's right up my alley. I thought Sunday was bad well she had to go back there yesterday and 2 hrs of torture later she came home frazzled and in complete disarray wide eyed and in "I'm never doing that again mode."
With everything back to normal, the power grid back up and running and BC's Monsoon season coming up as Fall approaches...you know what this means...
My absolute FAVOURITE time of year is coming, I can feel the changes and that makes me very...very...excited. Now I'm not big on craft blogging but Bean has a rather large project or 10 she wants to do involving making a large mess on the Prop/Halloween side in the form of a 6 foot tall Reaper and comfort things on fall foods side so I'm thinking of running video for those projects instead so we'll see what happens. Bean and BU are Pintrest junkies so I'm sure they will have stuff on their...um...boards? Anyway The 3rd Annual Halloween Party, Fall returns and new shows... I love new shows!
Mr Robot
The Bastard Executioner
Can you tell the ones I'm excited to see?
On the writing front...I'm still progressing (ya me) and have made quite a few new friends along the way ( Thank you Twitter! ) I guess I should thank G+ as well although I find that it reminds me of Tumblr but more interactive if you choose to be in turn it's making me more comfortable in my writing skin even though I still have about 5 chapters of Revisions to go through and have been slacking on but I'm determined to get those done this week and as usual on Wednesdays I post the story progression on CF
Anyway guys it's a short one today lots to do lots to plan.
Video...oh boy
Have a great week!
See Ya
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