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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome To 2017

    After a holiday break I'm back for another year of who knows what and all this snow making me stuck at home made me think about years past.

    2015 was a year to Roll With It, 2016 was Go Big and for 2017 it's Focus.

    So often I half do things, I'm so gung ho to get something started and then something else takes it's place and the original idea never gets done. With that being said this year I would like to be able to see things through to their completion.

    I have endless half projects as I continually put more things on my plate. That has to change so I have had to make some big decisions in regards to that. Lots of thinking was involved ( like I don't do enough of that ) and I've decided that if I really want to be an Author I need to finish the stories. I usually post small chapters every week or so...sometimes longer...ok usually longer but I need to focus on finishing the book. I gave myself a timeline and it's something that I want to see through so with that being said I've decided to stop posting the chapters online and complete the story. Part of the reason that I wrote that way was because I didn't have the work space to organize the tasks but now I do. I won't have the pressure to put out the content on a weekly basis and can concentrate on my word count and what needs to be done.

    Putting more focus into blogging is something else I want to do. I was stretched out between 3 and now it will just be Ordinary Girl that gets my attention. I was always in it for me and it's a lot about nothing and just very well might stay that way but at this point it's all I need. I will try to blog more frequently with some kind of engaging content, just remember though that it's a bit of everything. There are places that I'm going to stop posting it though so if I do it for you then Subscribe for updates and if not, it's all good.

    All of the bad things that have happened through 2016 shows me that I need to get stuff done and conscientiously be aware of making that happen. So somethings need to change or be slightly altered, I don't want to be one of those "I should have." people, I've been one of those way too long.

    Last year wasn't that bad for me compared to some of my friends. I learned how to ride a motorcycle, hell I own 2 and although I didn't ride nearly as much as I wished I had, I still learned. The nervousness hasn't gone away yet and probably won't until I get some more years under my belt along with the confidence of controlling a machine that seems to have a mind of it's own, but that's another thing I'll need to focus on in the coming year and get my license, you know...finally. That being said I actually have 2 licenses I need to get so yay me!

    Besides that my organizational skills definitely need improvement but I did manage to create some work space because all my work was pretty much done from my couch or my bed. I decided that since I have a kitchen table that just collects junk and cats so Lo and I went to town so that we both had a place to do our thing and it's glorious! I have been thinking about switching platforms though the pros and cons of it and I'm still on the fence but I figure I'll just do my research like I always do and get the opinions of my peers in order to make my decision.

So Lovelies thanks so much for hanging in there with me!

Have a great week.

See Ya

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