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Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Premiers, Fall Monsoons and Chicken Dogs!'s Monday and the Monsoon season as I call it has started here in the Greater Vancouver Area!

This is the time of year where you pretty much have to be a duck in order to survive the Fall months. For me though it just means that it's time to be more creative with my time spent indoors as well as my mindset.

Ok that and it's FALL PREMIER TIME!!! Oh ya I'm always excited for that...

There were a few last week like Gotham and I'm a huge Batman fan so I was excited to see where they are going to take this series because it's not actually focused on Batman himself but the eventually named Commissioner Gordon and seeing Ben Mackenzie go from shows like the OC and Southland means it might just make it, for a while anyway but I myself like the show so far and Jada Pinkette-Smith... I love that I can see her every week for a while.

We know how fickle though the audience and the networks can be and we could be blindsided by the cancellation of shows we thought were going to survive. You know what I'm waiting for...besides Sons of Anarchy that as of tomorrow we are almost 4 episodes into the last season and I'm a bit horrified and confused because I don't know what's going to happen, is American Horror Story Freakshow starting Oct 8 and The Walking Dead Oct 12.

Why do they put everything on Sundays? My PVR might throw up because there is so much going on. I'll miss you Ray Donovan your season finale last night opened the door for Revenge my guilty pleasure.

One thing I love about the 10-13 episode seasons is that they have to pack as must story, action or drama into each episode that it keeps you hooked and very few shows can do that. I still have my full season shows too that I love and sadly I've heard that this will be Supernaturals last season as well. On a recent website posting  though I read that if the ratings hold then the show could go on!

That would make me very happy!


So as I look out at the rain, lots and lots of rain and hope that my basement doesn't flood because of a poor drainage problem out back. I picture my dogs acting like giant chickens that will melt if touched by rain ( especially the Terriers the pansies ) I can't wait to get home, dry off and be warm because anyone who's been here in BC at this time of the year knows that even with an umbrella we're getting soaked no matter what.

You guys that have to work outside are Superstars! I would hate it.

Ok back to my cave I go and hope that all of you everywhere are having a good Monday!

Next week and for the month of Oct it's will be the costume parade! Cute, weird, scary!! They'll be here.

Have a good week!

See Ya

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