Hello Lovlies,
My question this week is Am I still Mom?
The weekend was entertaining as Bean and her man Allan showed me and Lo how to play Mario Kart...the drinking game. Now there was a time when drinking games only consisted of games like Caps, Quarters, Asshole ect... now these kids can turn anything into a drinking game like 10,000 or Crib and they strive to do so! The rules for Mario Kart Don't Drink and Drive ( that's what I call it ) are few but in the end it makes you drink your beverage so fast that after the first couple of rounds you just can't drive. In this game you can't physically drink while driving your cart. If you stop your cart, get shot out of a Cannon, fall of the edge or are stopped in any fashion you can drink but besides that you are not allowed.
You guys are young, Mom and Auntie have not been get hammered drinkers for some years now. We know how to pace ourselves and drink socially on occasion and thus the hangovers are few.
Unless you're Lo and the Viking in her raises it's head and accepts the challenge. Which it did and she felt it the next morning just a bit.
So to prevent us from being useless afterwards they changed the game to Mario Party! A bit slower but still fun! Why Mario and his gang of friends are used as something to get your drink on to I don't know but apparently the kids or young adults think it's the perfect lead into blissful alcohol annihilation. On top of that more than one of them can be sleeping and still win *cough Allan and Danny cough*
Besides that the Zoo always gives me some entertainment whether they are there or not. Like the King of Random Mr. Fluffy who was randomly trying to make me offers on my soul, now that's not an offer you get everyday and as he went on Lo determined that he must have been a used car salesman in a past life. You know the ones that looked like Herb Tarlek from WKRP In Cincinnati? I agree! Paige has quickly become part of the fold and is working on a film set doing makeup and building exciting things that make me so giddy and I can't wait to see how far she goes.
T is working in her element...a BAR were she can be her positive, fun social self and smile the tips right into her pocket. My girl Sese is coming into her own and blowing people away with her new sense of self and that's a long time coming.
Some of you have fallen along the way but picked yourselves up and kept moving forward and that has made me proud. I love it when you prove people wrong because in essence you're proving me right and my faith in you that you can achieve what you desire which makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...except the for the one who wants to buy my soul.
Give up there is no offer you can make me!
Hmmm...I guess I answered my question...I am Mom
See Ya
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