This past one has been interesting. tis the season for my cats to bring home presents none of us wants, the dogs to continuously bark at things they should know by now NOT to bark at. Bean has upgraded to 6 snakes and won't give me one, the selfish little brat. There's still a hedgehog and the frogs are still alive...I...think anyway!
They are not in my care but I'm sure I hear Eddie and the Cruisers hooting at night.
Hmmm I forgot the spiders...I'm sure many of you are glad for that.
I think the zoo rundown is because last week when I was getting ready for work I could hear chittering, very loud chittering out back. It turned out that our neighbours have been catching the Raccoons that have been running around the area. Now usually I see Bandit, the one who's scared of everyone but me. He seems to like me actually, anyway after going out onto the porch looking into their yard I could see 3 Raccoon's One large (Mama) and 2 babies hugging her, looking very worried.
Well they were worried because the chittering was coming from the cage that was holding her 3rd baby and every time Mama Coon walked away this poor thing screamed for her. The week before that they caught the Father Coon ( I'm thinking that was Bandit ) and relocated him but how do you relocate a baby without it's mother?
It made me so sad, almost as sad as not being able to adopt EVERY SLED DOG UP FOR ADOPTION IN PEMBERTON!
OK sorry that got away from me.
I need to win the lottery or something and build things to house them all!
My family is mentally and virtually slapping me right now.
I'll stop...but they were cute...soooo cute!
So I know we're still in the middle of Summer but Fall is my favourite season and so many things are going to happen!
1) My youngest will finally be old enough where I am no longer legally responsible for her. 19 not far away.
2) We get to start planning for our 2nd Annual Halloween Party! Very excited about that.
3) That means putting together a costume ( Woooo Hoooo) Steampunk Pirate Aye
4) Moving...which excites me to no end!
5) Anything else I can fit in between now and the end of Oct.
Lots of changes ahead, things to do and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!
That's it for now!
See Ya