Why aren't adults this funny? I guess we could be but we're just too damn tired from chasing all of you young ins around all of the time.
They are so impressionable aren't they? Sese turns 19 in a week and legal to drink here in BC. She's behind her friends because of her birthday being so late in the year and I think I'm more excited than she is! She doesn't know what she'll like to drink though, she wasn't into that stuff in her teenage years so this is all new territory for her and me.
We have been arranging a little taste test for her this weekend and have lots of exciting things in mind that she may or may not like and that's what the whole thing is for anyway. I just have to remember to make stuff I'll like too in case she doesn't and then I can drink it...not a problem.
Problem??? A couple of the boys wanted to whisk her away out to the bar but that can't happen until we find out what she likes being a bar newbie and all, so the boys have agreed to also come over and help. Insert Sese's face here
I'm sure she'll be fine! Maybe... we'll see. She's a light weight being all size 3 and everything, size 3 WTF! We already know that she doesn't like Wine or Beer or Whiskey...I'll get that anyway just for me. I'm almost positive she won't like Tequila but after a couple of drinks she'll like I might be able to slip that in. I don't want to make her
Here we come Sese, here we come.
Love Mom
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