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Friday, November 25, 2011

Commuting can be Stressful!

    Alright, I've left The Gong Show at home this week thank god I think my brain has turned to weird slang words and Mushmouth from Fat Albert in my head.

    Some time ago I blogged about a bus driver in Bus Driver Abuse that was...well... and asshole. As much as I'd love to think that me ranting and commenting everyday made the difference, I know it didn't. They rotated their shifts and he was gone to the joy of little old ladies everywhere.

    I take the West Coast Express to work and sometimes the most stressful and entertaining things happen. Take for instance me and SM my partner in crime, friend and co-worker when we are on our way to or from the city we always know that people may or may not be listening to our conversations even when they try to look like they're not but sometimes... well we're listening too.

Pet Peeve #1: One sided conversations.

You know those people on the phone who talk really loud like the person on the other end is deaf. Then you try to imagine the other end of the conversation and you know it's no where near what you think it is. You can make of game of that.

Pet Peeve #2: One sided conversations about something really stupid.

We had a woman who had an entire 30min conversation with her dogs hairdresser? Her dog has a hairdresser? She actually called the person a hairdresser. Wouldn't that be a fur dresser? I know, I know it's a groomer calm down.

This woman continually talked about what kind of cuts her dog looked best and worst in??? Next is a mani/pedi and it's a male dog poor thing.  This baffles's a dog and as much as we tried NOT to listen to that conversation it was hard not to.

Pet Peeve #3: People that fall asleep...on me.

Everything is fine, chatting away and the person beside me falls asleep. Ok not a problem until their head lols to the side and ends up on my shoulder. Then they wake up and apologize only to nod off 5 mins later and do it again while I watch SM sit across from me and giggle. I must look comfortable because it's always me.

Pet Peeve #4: People that fall asleep and drool... not on me.

Ok that's not really a pet peeve it's kind of gross yet funny at the same time. We take bets on how long the drool will be before the person wakes up and notices they are embarrassing themselves.

Pet Peeve #5: Rolling luggage.

Anyone who knows me or follows me on Twitter knows that I have pedestrian rage and it's not only me! Since I don't drive and can't have road rage I get angry with pedestrians and there little bags on wheels that drive me absolutely crazy. While I see the convenience everyone in the city is in a hurry especially at 8am if you walk at a good pace everything works out until someone cuts in front of you with rolling luggage almost knocking you into the street or another person, then they block the escalator on the side your supposed to walk on. Drives me nutty! You'd figure they would move faster since they don't have to carry all their crap but, no.

Here are a few commuter etiquette rules from 1949.

1. Sit with your limbs straight and do not with your legs describe an angle of 45 degrees, thereby occupying the room of two persons? So what, don't cross your legs or sit sideways?

2. Do not spit upon the straw. You are not in a hog sty. Uh Huh...

3. Reserve bickering's and disputes for open field? Open Field with what fists up or a pitchfork?? Well we don't have disputes like that anymore now do we?

This next one I need translated...

4. Refrain from affectations and conceited airs. Remember that you are riding a distance for sixpence, which, if made in a hackney coach, would cost you so many shillings: and that, should your price elevate you above plebeian accommodations, your purse should enable you to command aristocratic indulgences.


What bugs you?


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