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Thursday, April 6, 2017

It's Not Monday But Lets Motor Anyway.


Well I've been out sick now for... this is day...6.

The first day I knew it was coming on and the second day I was in full blown sinus hell. I assume it's what hell is like because I have never had a sinus cold before and it's still kicking my ass.. I went home early last Thursday and ended up having to take Friday and the following Monday off.

Another thing I've never had before was an earache. I woke up Sat morning and thought I was going to die. Right ear plugged and every time it popped there was staggering pain so I WebMD'd myself, something I always say not to do and after seeing that it was in fact due to this sinus punishment I headed straight for the Advil and it helped. Unfortunately although I have most of my energy level back I still have the head pressure and plugged ear. No pain though...unless I tilt my head forward and it's not pain just intense pressure at the back of my head.

It makes it very hard to concentrate and I've been popping pain meds since Saturday but decided today of all days that I would suffer and haven't taken anything mostly to gauge the severity of it. I would love to know when it's going to go away though so I can feel normal.

The 2 nicest sunniest days of the weekend were Sunday and Monday and I was still sicker than a dog.

Now that I've ranted that out though in my impatience I was looking at places to get my BSA frame sandblasted. My mechanic can get it done but he's usually so backlogged and I'm patient, yet impatient when it comes to me getting something done. I know this build is going to take a while as I scrap together the money to get her built but I need to see and feel like progress is being made.

So Choo seeing my lack of patience ensured me that when I take in my frame to our guy that it will get done in a timely fashion and he even consulted another friend of ours about painting it gloss black for me. In the mean time I'm going to have to find Pistons and get my Carb cleaned and rebuilt. Whether or not I can do it remains to be seen but I'll give it a shot because I want to have the hands on experience for this project.

As for my Sportster I think a change of colour is in order. She's silver and black right now as I got her and everything black will stay so all I have to do is change my tank and fenders and I think Cobalt Blue is the colour I'm going to go with.

Will I get airbrushing done?

I don't know? I'm thinking about it as I take this journey to find the me in it all. The only thing I've changed on her are the foot pegs and that was because I dropped her and one broke and the Guardian Bell because my other half stole the one that came with her but he replaced it with a new one for me. Besides those nothing else has been changed on my bike and now that I got my new Outlaw Helmet and I'm heading into my second season of riding I'm feeling those parts of me emerge and I love every second of it.

Now only if it would stop raining so I can pull Sweetness (as I call her because she's a sweet girl for a 1200) out and work on Sexy Bitch (BSA) that would be great but until I get rid of this infuriating head sickness I can't do much of anything.

So...that's my brief rant and update and like I said I'm taking video of the trips, build and the bikes progress and uploading them.

Click here

See ya on two wheels.

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