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Monday, November 30, 2015

Heavy Monday...

Good Morning! (Really...really fake enthusiasm)

I hope your weekend went well. Mine was awesome simply because we were warm dare I say hot even.

I can't believe it's the last day of November already, I swear that was the fastest month of the year so far. Maybe it's because I've done about half of my dreaded Xmas shopping already and it's the Nov. for me this is so far beyond abnormal. Most of the time I'm using that last pay cheque before Christmas to venture off into consumer hell but not this year! Also the day when many many men while shave their faces and look 10 years younger for it as Movember comes to a close for another year.

I have to touch base on this because I held the cutest, fattest, blue nosed pit bull puppy yesterday that also brought up this conversation about Katie Brown taping her dogs mouth shut. Another friend had added me to a Facebook group called Katie Brown is a Douche, about it and there was no need for me to comment as I read the posts from outraged people that for the most part was what I was thinking. For me as a dog owner and avid lover of them with 3 of my own that are all rescues, 2 of which bark if someone so much as sneezes, know how annoying a barking dog can be but...taping a dogs mouth shut eve for a minute as this woman claims is beyond my realm of comprehension. a dogs nasal passages run along the top of it's nose and you've completely restricted their mouth and in that case even for a 60 SECONDS you're suffocating the dog, that beautiful dog who I hope gets taken somewhere else and appreciated.

Like I say at home, they're dogs...they bark, they lick, they chew shit but regardless you took responsibility for that animal whether it's a dog, a cat or anything else. If you can't tolerate it then don't own it, give it to someone who can. The fact that she back pedaled claiming it wasn't for that long makes no difference and she obviously knew that it was wrong because she felt the need to explain further and yet...

She also wrote, “Really people… Some dogs need a muzzle so they dont bite someones child!!!”

I'm pretty sure that when a dog is wearing a muzzle it can still open it's mouth and um breathe through it's nose. How in any way does this compare to what she did? That makes me not only stunned at her actions but at her sheer stupidity as well because not only did she do it and take pictures, she posted them on Facebook and now she's scared. Well she should be because she created this outrage for her BAD JOKE.

After looking into all of this further I saw article after article of people who do that kind of shit to their dogs and one pic in particular back in June...

made me raging. 15 months old, electrical tape...FOR DAYS HER TONGUE WAS TRAPPED BETWEEN HER TEETH! she found her own way to a neighbour. Caitlyn needed surgery and her owner William Leonard Dodson  was arrested and was facing possibly 5 years for animal cruelty. I don't know how it turned out... I didn't find much after July when his bail was revoked and after seeing so many instances of stupid people doing stupid things I gave up on some level of humanity and just want to hug mine. after they have a bath and smell better or maybe just cuddle the nameless puppy some more and make it all go away.

Kind of a heavy Monday and so much more to say that I might have to post again this week. Might...we'll see as I continue to work on new projects for the new year and old ones that I should just shut up and do.

Have a great week guys!

Hug your pets and love them!

See Ya

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