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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Distracted, Derailed and Chaotic.

Ok so this week has been... I don't even know what it's been because there are no words. Nothing deep or devastating that you need to know about yet just this overwhelming need to put everything in it's place. Like everywhere...

I have 3 blog posts started all about completely different things because I figured that I would plan them out and you know be prepared, think ahead and be organized. Not only here but with all of my Social Media and Writing.


My first post was just titled Here.

That's it, just Here. There was no body to the post at all just a title and do you think I can remember why I had it titled that way or what I was going to write? Hell no...nothing, so ya that was the beginning of the end of organizing my thoughts.

The next post, I was all happy to share Bean's rite of passage as a young adult and voting for the first time, which still could happen only not in the full picture that I wanted to paint for you. I was a proud Mama though as I watched my girls do their duty. Oh but wait, technically I didn't watch either of them because Bean had to register to vote first and Sese was next in line behind me to vote so when I was done I scooted ( many excuse me's later ) over to where Bean was signing up to relieve Choo who was standing with her so that he could go vote and then Sese and I stood outside because there were so many people packed in the Elementary School gym where as it was Sese's education began at 5 years old and here she is almost 23 and in my eyes seeing the chubby cheeked little girl that never wanted to go back to kindergarten walking towards me smiling after she cast her vote only to have Bean come out when she was done and ask it we were supposed to mark an X or a check mark. Then we were all struck dumb for a second as you could see us all mentally sift through what we had done.

And breathe...

All in all though it was a memory I'm very glad to have.

So the next post I tried to line up? My Awful Halloween costumes! Which I left the photos of on my other computer and can't even give you a sneak peek but I'll finish that post this some point....ugh. What was nice though was that last night Bean and I went over her Pinterest Halloween board to pick out special drinks and food stuffs for the 3rd Annual Halloween Party. It's a thing! We made it a thing! Happy dance!

After that is when I noticed that I had started 3 different posts with no endings.

There is so much to do on many different levels don't even get me started on Chapter 17 of CF because I may die right now if I even think about it, and I tried, I really tried to put it into some form of order and take the advice of so many that I've spoken to about this ( All Hail Twitter! )  but except for my desk at work that has to be in order, I seem to work best in the midst of chaos so why fix what ain't broke right? I'm just going to embrace it and continue to roll with it, letting it all play out. Hopefully taming my inner frustrations at things around me and working with everything I can to make even the little things happen.

If it kills me...

 I'm like a squirrel right now and it's like my fingers are on speed just to try and get this out before it disappears in the wasteland of the day and my brain.

The fact that I'm just going to post this as is, in a rush to make sure I get at least one post out this week of  is a good thing maybe not for you because it's all going to sound like a distracted mind but for me at least considering the derailments and distractions I've had going on it's amazing and yet I love it all so I'm not complaining because life would be boring otherwise.

Ok, get back to work or play or however you chose to spend your day.

Soundtrack for the day?  Punk Rock

Have a great week
See Ya

PS episode ever!

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