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Friday, May 22, 2015

Ripped From The Pages of...


You have to love these guys! When I watch them on You Tube they make me laugh so hard all of the time,  so it's only fitting that this list or Weird Facts comes from them and you know other sources but you get it!

The original list contained 42 weird random facts so I only took the ones that I pretty much had smart ass comments for so let the games begin...

1) The longest time between 2 twins being born is 87 days... 87 DAYS? Um that's around 3 months! 3 months! My kids were both 3 weeks late and that was enough I couldn't handle delivering 1 and having the other stay there for another 2 1/2 - 3 months. Since the first one was born 4 months premature it's not like mom had to spend extra time being pregnant but it's like a prequel of what's to come. So despite being 4 months premature the baby survived and now as twins with distinctly different birthdays can they still be called twins?
    2) The world's deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan - Officially recognized as a mail collection point of the local postal system, 1,000 to 1,500 pieces of mail are dropped into the box each year.  For use by divers who buy water-resistant postcards. Ummm I've got nothing here.

    3) The oldest condoms ever found date back to the 1640's and were made from animal and fish intestines - Do you notice how they don't say what animals? How big are fish intestines really? Although we don't know what kind of fish I guess it's safe to say that they weren't sitting there stitching tiny little membranes together. Let's look that up...OK so I've found that there is conflicting reports of where the oldest condom was found but I did find this - The instructions recommend washing the condom in warm milk to stop from catching a disease.
    Warm milk? Is there something I'm missing here? At least they had some instruction with how to take care of their reusable condoms.

    4) Everyone has a unique tongue print, just like finger prints - So... I think it's safe to say that no one will be identified by their taste-buds because, that would just be weird.

    5) Casu Marzu is a Sardinian Cheese that contains live...Maggots ( I threw up a little bit in my mouth there ) The maggots can jump up to five inches out of the cheese while your eating it, so it's a good idea to use your hand to shield your eyes - OK family knows that as far as insects and bugs go, I'm not scared of many unless they are in large numbers but maggots are my Kryptonite. I mean standing on a chair like a mouse ran under it not screaming but retching. I can't even take out the green waste and put it in the bin unless it's dark outside. To know that there is cheese out there that not only CONTAINS them but that they can JUMP 5 INCHES and possibly end up in your eyes ( I have eye issues too) has my skin crawling even as I write this....GROSS.

    6) The Northern Leopard Frog uses it's eyes to swallow it's prey by using them to push the food down it's throat by retracting them back into it's head- all right now my eye issues get a chance to be recognized. HOW CREEPY IS THAT! Little buggers are kind of cute though.
    You are not getting a pic of the will never happen because I could throw up all over my keyboard in the process and that would be sad.

    7) Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine and apparently it works - Ok so I've heard that urine also works for foot fungus, and we all know the jellyfish thing but did you also now that it was used for infections of the anus? Scorpion stings? Stale urine could be used to cure baby bum rash? Isn't stale urine what caused that rash in the first place? Drinking your own warm urine could help a sore throat? Until now I had no idea how many uses there have been for urine...I look at peeing in a whole new way now...

    Someone should pee on the cheese ( shudder )

    Have a good weekend!

    See Ya

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