Arkansas dog bites the bullet, eating 23 rounds of ammunition.
I have seen some dogs eat anything from tin cans - tires and even money but for a dog to eat bullets?
The owner didn't notice anything wrong until the dog threw up and why would he? Unless they act strange or look strange or are drooling everywhere ( for non-drooling dog owners ) we have no idea that they have anything wrong with them but, 23 live rounds of .308 caliber ammunition. That's a pretty scary thought.

Although I have never heard of this breed specifically they look alot like German Sheppard's...
I had a friend a long time ago whose dog would eat money, always change and the funniest thing would be watching him in the back yard checking his dogs waste looking for the Toonie or quarters that she snagged off of the table because he obviously needed that change for something.
We had a Pitbull that would actively go through the garbage looking for tin cans way before recycling them became pretty much mandatory. She was also the tire eater. Whiskey eats string...and then throws them up, yup normal but ammo? Crazy!
I even found Smokey the other night eating the top of a metal curtain rod, you know...the knobby thing? I have no idea where he even found it because we don't have any metal curtain rods in our house.
Now after they vet removed 16 of the 23 rounds because she wasn't worried about the dog exploding but instead being poisoned, she decided to let the dog pass the others naturally...did you see those?...How can that happen naturally and not painfully? Benno the Ammo eating dog is feeling much better now though and has simply gone back to eating his owners, wife's bras instead.
Just a bit of weird for your week!
See Ya
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