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Monday, March 30, 2015
Zombies, Pirates and Smut OH My!
Hello Lovelies!
As the countdown begins to Fan Expo I start this week with excitement at our family excursion! As I'm sure we will meet and separate throughout the day I'm excited to hopefully meet the new mysterious boyfriend of my oldest daughter there and we're going to pop Blondunicorns Convention Cherry. All I do know for sure is that every Steampunk kiosk will be paid a visit from me!
Oh the Corsets, oh the Jackets, oh the gears and gadgetry!!!!!
Ok I will not Monopolize this post with Fan expo stuff because next Monday will be full of it.
So! How was your weekend? Full of excitement, intrigue or a Walking Dead Finale that had me SCREAMING at my TV! That was insane! I don't want to spoil it for those who PVR it but WHY DID YOU PVR IT!!? You need to watch that shit LIVE! With the masses! Then you have to painfully stay off of all Social Media for fear of getting spoiled!
There was so much going on at every given point from Kick Ass Carol all the way down to Rick the Dominator as I call him. Every time Glen comes anywhere near death I lose my mind and Daryl is always the person you want with you when you're surrounded by a large horde of Walkers that want to eat your face and every other square inch of you. Um and Morgan...the sight of him had me standing on my couch, arms up cheering!
Ya I know...I get excited about things...I can't help it!
You know that feeling you get when you know there is a trap about to be sprung but it still scares the shit out of you when it happens? I'd say if that happens you are fully and completely engaged in what your watching.
If you did watch last night then you saw the trailer for the companion series Fear The Walking Dead which is a prequel to our beloved series but I love the fact that it's going on as the virus breaks. It kind of had that Dawn of the Dead feeling in the trailer and it hits this Summer which is good because it will bridge the gap until Se 6 of TWD.
I also watched the Finale of Black Sails and for those who haven't heard of it, it's all about Pirates and Nassau but mostly pirates...I love pirates well you know not the really bad ones just the ones on the show because well...you need to see these pirates, but they use real historical Pirates and I'm hoping in the case of Anne Bonny that they do introduce Mary Read because that would only make sense in the realm of female pirates and the association with Calico Jack.
Oh what else?
I accidentally started a smutty book series...yes... it was an accident.
You know how you finish a book series and you look for a new author? The search leads you to a couple of authors that have written with one you're familiar with so you decide "Hey! I'll check that out."? I love the Fantasy/Horror genre and didn't realize until I moved on to the second book in this particular series that it's classified as a romance novel...um...I don't know where the romance is but what they are doing most of the time is not so much romantic as it is being bunnies anywhere, anytime.
I have to say that these women are MACHINES! They don't sleep, barely have time to eat and all the while are being kidnapped and tortured repeatedly but not at the same time.
Long ago were the days of Harlequin Romances that as as a kid I thought they were too cheesy and not real enough.
Ya that's changed...A LOT more on THAT later.
Ok guys, have a great week!
See Ya
Friday, March 27, 2015
Ripped from the Weird News Pages...
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Monday, March 23, 2015
Too Excited For Words!
Hello Lovelies!
It's Monday and the first post since I've been back actually on a Monday!
Yay me!
No really how was your weekend?
Mine was good and mildly creative as I try to get back on the horse that is my Social Media outlet. Since it pounded rain on the first official day of Spring here in the Lower Mainland I concentrated on other things like babysitting the monster boy! That kid is so smart he blows my mind but for the life of me he always calls Smokey our Pit bull, Shadow instead. Shadow was a Rottweiler that belonged to his Nana but Shadow has passed away now. They look nothing alike except for maybe his size and PK will name everything accordingly except Smokey and he's only 2 and he argues about it.
I love that kid!
Fan Expo Van is only a couple of weeks away and I'm getting very excited and who will we see?
It's Monday and the first post since I've been back actually on a Monday!
Yay me!
No really how was your weekend?
Mine was good and mildly creative as I try to get back on the horse that is my Social Media outlet. Since it pounded rain on the first official day of Spring here in the Lower Mainland I concentrated on other things like babysitting the monster boy! That kid is so smart he blows my mind but for the life of me he always calls Smokey our Pit bull, Shadow instead. Shadow was a Rottweiler that belonged to his Nana but Shadow has passed away now. They look nothing alike except for maybe his size and PK will name everything accordingly except Smokey and he's only 2 and he argues about it.
I love that kid!
Fan Expo Van is only a couple of weeks away and I'm getting very excited and who will we see?
I'm not quite sure why Shannon Doherty will be there but hey I watched Charmed!
I'm not quite sure why Shannon Doherty will be there but hey I watched Charmed!
Not to mention the Comic book guests and the After party and the Panels!
Ok calm down...breathe Steph breathe.
Have a great week!
See Ya
Ok calm down...breathe Steph breathe.
Have a great week!
See Ya
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Random & Not So Random
Oy! Well at least I'm here and it's St. Patrick's Day!

I'm kind of tired today, slept like CRAP but it's not Monday and that's a bonus so this blog post will be a combination of many things oh so random and mostly related to each other because Spring is almost here and that brings my attention to a varied combination of things like last night and the insane Monday programming block that I had to wade through.
Bates Motel is back and getting so very disturbing not only because of Norman's character but because Ryan Hurst (SOA) has hit the show and he's pretty creepy. Almost as creepy as Brat Pitt's character in Kalifornia but not quite as murderous...that I know of anyway. Norma Bates is always my favourite to watch though.
The Following has caught me and even without Joe, the show still has me hooked if not for the story it's the music that draws me in and thanks to Blondunicorn showing me the Shazam music app, I can find out who sings what very quickly. In this episode A Drowning by Whoever thought up that put them in the box story line had my disturbed meter piqued!
Gotham...is repeating...so...you suck.
The Returned this one I tried to watch previously and as the trailer for the show never told you it was in French and subtitled and I didn't want to have to read my show every week, but now there is an English version and that has me caught very well. It's also disturbing...it should be called Disturbing TV Monday because everyone is crazy.
I also heard this morning that The Walking Dead Companion series is going to be filmed in Vancouver!!!! There might be stalking in order. It comes out in the summer to bridge the gap between the end of TWD season 5 and 6. Now spin offs don't always do well but we have seen many that have as long as they don't go too far but I'm very interested to see where this goes. I wonder if Chris Hardwick will have an after show for this one too?
Fan Expo is coming in a few weeks and I'm very excited for that! I'm not eve sure who's going to be there yet but I'm going and if I see a guy dressed as Renly Baratheon then I know it's the SHAW cable guy that I talked to on the phone about Fan Expo last year in a random conversation while he waited for his screen to load and help me with whatever it was I called for.
I do have to mention that on Friday night I had to try the Crown Royal Apple Whiskey and it was very good. Smells like Green Apple Jolly Ranchers but tastes like apple pie not unlike the CR Maple Syrup flavoured whiskey that smells like maple goodness but tastes like pancakes in your mouth. You know if they can bacon infuse vodka can they bacon infuse the Maple Whiskey? that would be the breakfast of whiskey champions!
It's time to get out and about people! I see people already taking pictures of cherry blossoms and planning weekend camping trips. Spring cleaning and purging begins! Tourists have already started to arrive in the city, with rolling luggage...ugh, and a Husky that was found with gravel in it's stomach and so thin that it was all bones found a home and is fatter...much, much fatter. makes me smile.
Tomorrow is Weird News Wednesday and of all of the weird stuff I see there will be something even weirder that someone will send me. I'm a little scared because it's been awhile since I could focus on the weird shit so be prepared!
Ok guys go have a wonderful day and a great week!
See ya
Oy! Well at least I'm here and it's St. Patrick's Day!
I'm kind of tired today, slept like CRAP but it's not Monday and that's a bonus so this blog post will be a combination of many things oh so random and mostly related to each other because Spring is almost here and that brings my attention to a varied combination of things like last night and the insane Monday programming block that I had to wade through.
Bates Motel is back and getting so very disturbing not only because of Norman's character but because Ryan Hurst (SOA) has hit the show and he's pretty creepy. Almost as creepy as Brat Pitt's character in Kalifornia but not quite as murderous...that I know of anyway. Norma Bates is always my favourite to watch though.
The Following has caught me and even without Joe, the show still has me hooked if not for the story it's the music that draws me in and thanks to Blondunicorn showing me the Shazam music app, I can find out who sings what very quickly. In this episode A Drowning by Whoever thought up that put them in the box story line had my disturbed meter piqued!
Gotham...is repeating...so...you suck.
The Returned this one I tried to watch previously and as the trailer for the show never told you it was in French and subtitled and I didn't want to have to read my show every week, but now there is an English version and that has me caught very well. It's also disturbing...it should be called Disturbing TV Monday because everyone is crazy.
I also heard this morning that The Walking Dead Companion series is going to be filmed in Vancouver!!!! There might be stalking in order. It comes out in the summer to bridge the gap between the end of TWD season 5 and 6. Now spin offs don't always do well but we have seen many that have as long as they don't go too far but I'm very interested to see where this goes. I wonder if Chris Hardwick will have an after show for this one too?
Fan Expo is coming in a few weeks and I'm very excited for that! I'm not eve sure who's going to be there yet but I'm going and if I see a guy dressed as Renly Baratheon then I know it's the SHAW cable guy that I talked to on the phone about Fan Expo last year in a random conversation while he waited for his screen to load and help me with whatever it was I called for.
I do have to mention that on Friday night I had to try the Crown Royal Apple Whiskey and it was very good. Smells like Green Apple Jolly Ranchers but tastes like apple pie not unlike the CR Maple Syrup flavoured whiskey that smells like maple goodness but tastes like pancakes in your mouth. You know if they can bacon infuse vodka can they bacon infuse the Maple Whiskey? that would be the breakfast of whiskey champions!
It's time to get out and about people! I see people already taking pictures of cherry blossoms and planning weekend camping trips. Spring cleaning and purging begins! Tourists have already started to arrive in the city, with rolling luggage...ugh, and a Husky that was found with gravel in it's stomach and so thin that it was all bones found a home and is fatter...much, much fatter. makes me smile.
Tomorrow is Weird News Wednesday and of all of the weird stuff I see there will be something even weirder that someone will send me. I'm a little scared because it's been awhile since I could focus on the weird shit so be prepared!
Ok guys go have a wonderful day and a great week!
See ya
Bates Motel,
Crown Royal,
Fan Expo,
Fan Expo Van,
Fan Expo Vancouver,
Love Dogs,
St. Patrick's Day,
The Following,
The Returned,
The Talking Dead,
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Busy Brain Outside of Normal
Hi Lovelies!
Did you miss me? Tell me you did even if you didn't.
Last month was a long and tired road in the land of RRSP's! Long...and tired... Long days, some late nights and after sitting in front of a computer for so long it was the last thing I wanted to do but with the season over now, things can get back to normal...somewhat...whatever we think is normal at the time!
Once my head is the right way around.
Even with the gap though it's not like much has happened.The most excitement being the pane of glass that fell 55 floors from the Trump Tower they're building next door to my office building. I never saw the glass fall but I heard the crash and when I looked out the window I was very glad that no one was hurt. I have to say though that the road crew moves pretty quick! I've never seen 6 guys with shovels move so fast. then again West Georgia is a busy street and you can't keep it closed for very long.
Let's see...
Oh! The zoo has expanded...by a rat...because one of the snakes was...um...scared of it. Not that Bean makes a habit of feeding live but this particular snake wouldn't eat anything so they tried it and now we have a rat named Ben. Yes... after the rat from the movie, and that sappy song swims through my head every time I look at him. He's pretty comical though and I still can't believe he scared the 4 1/2 foot long snake.
So the current zoo count is-
6 Snakes
3 Dogs
3 Cats
3 Frogs
2 Tarantulas
1 Hedgehog
1 Rat named Ben
Good Grief...it's more like a wildlife sanctuary.
Because I love her so much I braved going to see "50 Shades Of Oh Good Lord" with my blonde bestie and I have to say that because my expectations were so low it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I keep feeling like it's this generations 9 1/2 Weeks. I'm glad I never read the books though because I'm really really bad at comparing books to movie adaptions even though as Stephen King said "think of them as fraternal twins" is really hard to do especially of I loved the story that I read.
Surprised my other bestie Kris who was hiding in her house and said she never heard us show up and thank goodness we didn't drive away, you weirdo.
Um anything else??? I don't even know anymore but for now I still have busy brain. Touring Tony is on his way to his next destination. I see how easy it is to hang on to the little guy though. I still have more pics to upload too and hopefully he has a safe and uncomplicated journey!
OK...I'm done...
Have a great week!
See ya
Did you miss me? Tell me you did even if you didn't.
Last month was a long and tired road in the land of RRSP's! Long...and tired... Long days, some late nights and after sitting in front of a computer for so long it was the last thing I wanted to do but with the season over now, things can get back to normal...somewhat...whatever we think is normal at the time!
Once my head is the right way around.
Even with the gap though it's not like much has happened.The most excitement being the pane of glass that fell 55 floors from the Trump Tower they're building next door to my office building. I never saw the glass fall but I heard the crash and when I looked out the window I was very glad that no one was hurt. I have to say though that the road crew moves pretty quick! I've never seen 6 guys with shovels move so fast. then again West Georgia is a busy street and you can't keep it closed for very long.
Let's see...
Oh! The zoo has expanded...by a rat...because one of the snakes was...um...scared of it. Not that Bean makes a habit of feeding live but this particular snake wouldn't eat anything so they tried it and now we have a rat named Ben. Yes... after the rat from the movie, and that sappy song swims through my head every time I look at him. He's pretty comical though and I still can't believe he scared the 4 1/2 foot long snake.
So the current zoo count is-
6 Snakes
3 Dogs
3 Cats
3 Frogs
2 Tarantulas
1 Hedgehog
1 Rat named Ben
Good Grief...it's more like a wildlife sanctuary.
Because I love her so much I braved going to see "50 Shades Of Oh Good Lord" with my blonde bestie and I have to say that because my expectations were so low it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I keep feeling like it's this generations 9 1/2 Weeks. I'm glad I never read the books though because I'm really really bad at comparing books to movie adaptions even though as Stephen King said "think of them as fraternal twins" is really hard to do especially of I loved the story that I read.
Surprised my other bestie Kris who was hiding in her house and said she never heard us show up and thank goodness we didn't drive away, you weirdo.
Um anything else??? I don't even know anymore but for now I still have busy brain. Touring Tony is on his way to his next destination. I see how easy it is to hang on to the little guy though. I still have more pics to upload too and hopefully he has a safe and uncomplicated journey!
OK...I'm done...
Have a great week!
See ya
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