I have the beginnings of a cold (Thanks B) so if some of this blog doesn't make sense you can blame the fogginess in my head.
I'll have one more post before Christmas and after only 2 more it will be a whole new year, once more full of things we hope to do and probably won't but we'll try!
I'm trying to see how this is a bad one? Cheesy YES but completely useful! I have a couple of spider freaks for friends that would LOVE not having to get close the bugs they fear!

I think my cats and dogs would love this one! Oh wait only 1 cat and one dog. Bosco would run and hide...forever, Cali would bark and attack it, Oz would stare at it with loathing, Whiskey would have a panic attack and not know what to do. Smokey and Bast though both of them would probably roll over and indulge themselves! I still think it's awful though and if you notice the top of the box there's a Turtle? a Ferret a Lamb and a Horse?? A Turtle???

This one...well it makes me want to watch Golf just to see if anyone has one...but we all know they don't. Uroclub! The golf club with a Pee receptacle!

And this because, you know...Jason needs a girlfriend. It's really Rejuvenique a system to remove wrinkles or in a horror movie thought, sear the skin off your face and make you a hideous monster that seeks revenge from pretty people!

Wait...I like this one...let's move on!

Do you know what this is! It's a ticket to Heaven complete with everything you'll need to ensure your entrance past those pearly gates. I can see the Infomercial now!
Worried about getting into heaven?
Do you think there won't be space?
Reserve you place now with easy to use Ticket to Heaven Reservation Kit!
No Fuss
No Muss
A guaranteed spot waits for you!

Ok this one is the best...When someone in your family or friends insists they don't want anything for the holidays, they probably don't mean that they want you to get them Nothing. But this'll teach them or me because I'm always the one that says nothing

Except for the first one these are courtesy of Marie Claire.
Ok guys, Have a good week!
See Ya
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