Well those of you that still are lovely because I seem to see a growing trend with some of you and your haunting clown pics just to piss me off have no given me the intense need for payback and payback will be dealt out accordingly.
Usually I'm the passive aggressive one that takes everything in stride but it seems like now I'm going to have to bite a few of you (family or not) in order to get you to stop because as I keep saying I don't like it, I don't like them and you just keep coming...except the pregnant one because well, she's pregnant and she likes to bug me more about my hatred of Hummus and Pesto (So Gross) so her clown posting is not an issue seeing as she only did it once.
Now for the rest of you ungrateful little heathens I'm done with it. So take it easy children and sleep well because Mama's done playing, pissed and coming for you.
Now on to the fun stuff!
With Halloween just a few days away now the urgency to get things done is feeling like a bit of a pressure cooker. We like to have a signature drink for the evening as well as obviously Halloween themed food, a playlist needs to be made, furniture moved and a classic B-rated Horror flick to set the mood.
As usual Whiskey will be hiding behind the closet person all of this week as fireworks go off all over town, Smokey will bark at the noise those fireworks make and California will try and steal stuff off the table in a not so surprisingly obvious fashion.
Not a cat will be seen except maybe Oz the kitty cat mob boss who has no fear unless you carry a spray bottle the other 2 will stay far...far away from people that wander around perhaps dressed like...

Now yes I have googled these but really who would have thought of this!
I can't wait to see what costumes will grace my door of Friday this Friday the 31st. Is it strange that if you turn the numbers around you'd have a Friday the 13th?
Easy Breezy this week guys there's a lot to do and so MUCH fun to be had at the end of the line!
So excited!
Have a great week and an even greater Halloween!
See Ya
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