OK for those of you that watch...
American Horror Story Freakshow
The Walking Dead
Sons Of Anarchy
If you have not watched the newest episodes then don't read any further!
With Thanksgiving behind us now up here the Fall has really set in. The changing of the leaves, the wet, windy weather forcing us inside into the comfort zone where we watch an MC let loose, Zombies decay in there quest for flesh and OF COURSE psychotic killer clowns that kidnap stupid people that don't know when to RUN...AWAY...just to fall down and get captured (because that's typical ) Why does the bad guy NEVER fall down in the chase? Is it because they're more focused on the target? Because the target is not as focused on getting away as they should be?
Anyway let's begin this week in review..sort of...
Sons Of Anarchy - That show makes keeps me grounded out of all three and not only because the other two are about zombies and UGH...clowns. There is a distinct feel of realism and the connecting of characters for me so at the end when Juice is ready to shoot Gemma I did what I normally do and screamed at my TV because...dare I say it...I Like Gemma! I mean come on, who wouldn't want a mom that would take people out to protect her own. Yes her morals are questionable but wouldn't you rather have her on your side? I'm glad Chibs is getting some action finally and the Tig/Venus connection is awesome and had me howling with laughter and Unser looks like he'll never die.
Still I hate when it ends each week then I'm counting the episodes until it's gone...forever...
AHSF - Since there has only been 1 episode I'm still trying to grasp how this season will do compared to the other past seasons. Seeing as we've already seen Murderous Clown Guy hovering about stealing what looks like a family. The creepy smile on his stupid clown face meant nothing as dumb girl had a conversation with him before he stabbed her date to death in front of her repeatedly and then commenced the running, falling and getting caught thing.
1) You're in a field...take your shoes off, use them as a weapon if you have to and run.
2) If said Clown is filthy, covered in grime and looks like he has someone else's skin on his head I would call that a red flag.
3) If you wake up and clown guy seems like he's having way too much fun murdering your date another red flag.
I have to say that the smallest woman in the world is the cutest thing EVER and she made up for the She must hate that. I can't help it though every time I see her I can't help but say Awwww... and the fact that I can only understand about every third word she says because of the pitch of her voice as well as her accent doesn't matter because she is the cutest thing. The show keeps me intrigued though and I must say that the Candy Striper chick must have wished she never went into the tent that day. Nothing will ever be the same for her but...do you blame her?
They have been renewed for a 5th season after the premier of the 4th! They can go anywhere with this show!
The Walking Dead - OMG OMG OMG the most anticipated premier for me.
1) It's the only one of the 3 that picked up from right where it left off even though Carl grows half a foot each season.
2) The gore of it all is a makeup artists dream.
I was shocked that Terminus got leveled so soon and after the way it started with my boys about to be bled out I'm glad that Super Carol showed up! I said to Blondunicorn that as far as kick ass women go Carol is second after Sarah Connor in my book. The shift in Rick though over the past couple of seasons I think has been more traumatic then anyone else's. You could see it happening and not like in the season finale when Carl was about to get raped and it's like you saw the switch get flipped in his eyes. You could see the panic surge in Glen as one by one the "cattle" got knocked off. That fight or flight mode was most definitely flight for Glen. The Darryl and Carol reunion was awesome!!!!!! Second only to the reunion of father, brother and lil Ass-kicker which almost made me cry...ALMOST. It was well worth the wait...
Eugene...you're useless and your mumbo jumbo sucked "fire with fire" but I like to laugh at your mullet.
Where's Beth???
Congrats to The Walking Dead and The Talking Dead for breaking premier records!
Thank goodness Game Of Thrones isn't on at this time of the year, I wouldn't be able to contain myself.
Ok I'm done for now! Halloween approaches and a parade of costumes to follow!
Have a great week!
See Ya
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