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Monday, January 27, 2014

All Fun and Games Till Someone Loses an Eye!

Hello Lovelies!

Nobody lost an eye. At least not in real life.

So the week went without much let's see what happened...

...nothing until Sat. T, Peanut and Craig moved into their own little place not far from us and on moving day I got to watch him while they moved. Man can he move now! just turned a yr last week and it's like his tiny legs kicked in at the same time because all he did was walk, fall down, say uh oh and keep on truckin'. The kids did their move and after roughly 2 months of being with us they disappeard off into the night with their child...who I saw the next day as I went over to try and help them unpack.

This has prompted B, my little snake breeder in waiting to want a place of her own so she can...breed snakes! Which would be good because I'm in the process of trying to save on of the feeder rats because he's just too cute, All blonde and red eyed and super friendly. He's my Shy Guy but really like we need to add to the Zoo we have already have and small creatures in any form Mice, Hampsters, Guinea Pigs any of them are really a pain in the ass to take care of and they smell. So B let Paige take the Shy Guy and give him a lovely home sweet home!

I caught up on a couple of my shows!

Bitten...I love! The casting pretty much fit what I had in my head. Clay Danvers played by Greyston Holt, I have never enjoyed death by bicep as much as I did in the last episode. Laura Vandervoort fits Elena Michaels persona for me completely and I can't wait to see where they take it.

The Following...I'm pleasently confused that's all I can really say! It's like I missed something...or a few things and I'm peicing it back together.

Being Human... ( yes I love my dark fantasy shows ) Sally, Aiden, Josh and Nora each week make me laugh just by the chemistry between the characters and how natural they make their craziness seem.

Oh American Horror Story...your season Finale is this week and as sad as I am to see you and you crazy stabbed eye scenes that I couldn't even look at because I have eye issues, you bring me closer to the next new episode of The Walking Dead and the rotting corpses that are constantly trying to eat our merry band of survivors.

So besides that and trying to convince Salt to try something she might not want to the week has been pretty uneventful

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