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Monday, October 17, 2016

A Helping Hand and Geek Girl Issues...

Hello Lovelies!

It's a nightmare outside right now. Rain that goes right through you and yet it's still warm out for the most part.

How was your weekend? I got 2 days with my little Peanut and he is growing so fast and talking a mile a minute. Sometimes he reminded me of Stuart from Mad TV except instead of "Look what I can do!" it's "Hey watch this!!" and I've realized that I may have had my kids young but I'm glad I did because keeping up with his energy level is effort to say the least. And no matter how much energy you think you have, the energy you need to spend chasing a 3 1/2 year old around is tremendous. He talks super fast just like his mom and his Auntie B so it's not only a physical energy but a mental one too and for all of his hyper activity and energetic stories when that kid wants to be a lovable cuddle monster that's exactly what he is.

I suck that up.

So besides the oodles of cuddles, on Friday I helped make sandwiches for a Charity function Lo and Choo were doing on Saturday night and that went well and I was glad I could help.

Then decided well Craig decided that he had to show me his Apple TV and make me watch things, now that being said we have Netflix and Crave so between all three it's either there's too much to watch and we can't decide or we just can't find anything. We had Shomi was useless (and apparently going out of business ) so switching to Crave was a much easier choice. Now since then I have binge watched Kingdom, Orphan Black and now watching 19-2 but the comic book Geek Girl in me really wanted it for the Agents of Shield. The remote for the Apple TV is so sensitive that if you breathe on it you either fast forward or rewind about 10 mins that was a pain.

Wait I drifted away from where I was going though...

Apple TV...Craig got me to watch X-Men - Apocalypse. I've always been an X-Men lover be it comics or movies and unfortunately this one fell flat for me but I have to say that when it comes to the Marvel Universes I wish they would stay in just 1 maybe 2 semi-rational worlds. For instance and I'll only give 1 example or we'll be here all day.
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are twins, Magneto's children ( first thought ) but in the last 2 X-men movies Quicksilver ( love him ) seems to be an only child. Never mentions a sister, while over in the Avengers movies they are together and Quicksilver dies. I know the two franchises are completely separate from each other, separate worlds, separate chaos but they are family and you would figure that the X-Men franchise would have had that continuity and not so much the Avengers even though but I am aware of the problems with parentage that happened between the 2. Magnetos children and then it turned out they weren't mutants ect, ect. The one thing that remains though is that they are twins in one franchise but not the other.

Ok GG is back in the box and kicking because I've muzzled her for now.

I spoke to a friend that in passing said she was going to drop off some old towels at the SPCA which made me think of how humans are so much the issue of charity and how the animals in there need help too. A few years ago I applied to volunteer my time there and actually never received anything communication back from them but oh well I can help in other ways right? My only problem would be wanting to bring some of them home but I couldn't I'm not quite over Cali yet. Dogs are so close to my heart the pull to find ways to help them is strong at this time of year when it's dark and dreary.

Anyway our monsoon season has definitely begun, we were in line for 3 storms this weekend each one to be nastier than the last. There were power outages and thank goodness they weren't in my neighbourhood but the wind did quite the number leaving 75,000 without power and it didn't even kick off the way everyone had feared. I'm not sure if it can get any wetter out there but it sure is trying.

Have a great week!

See Ya

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