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Monday, February 1, 2016

Yes, I Can Be A Girly Girl.

Hellos Lovelies!

Another quick in and out for me here today!  Last week went by in a haze as business picks up. January has come to a close already and the next month begins mildly stressful and yet carefree at the same time. Trying to keep it together is always at the forefront though. More like trying to stay in control. January was full of overwhelming emotions and lots of thoughts of improvement but as this week starts again all of my thoughts are on dragging my ass out of bed to head into the pit of numbers and money. Will I let it get to me? No, but it if does I already  know that once I get home it will all melt away.

I took a stab at online shopping recently! Ok something besides books because that's all I every trust to buy but I went for it and bought shoes! My other obsession. Firts I went to just FAB because hey they looked like they had really good deals. I was pretty sure the site was Canadian but they wanted payment in USD. Have you seen our dollar???

So the shoes I would buy, not trusting that the size would be correct ( only because I had never done it before ) would cost much more in the long run so I went on the hunt. PayLess... you can't order them online here. They will tell you what store they are in but having them shipped to my house? Nope. In my growing frustration I asked Bean for advice and she told me to look at the Spring website, now I wasn't sure about that because usually when i walk into Spring I see a price tag and turn around and walk back out but I looked and right away on page 2 of the boots section were a pair that screamed at me. "You want me." was what they said and they spoke the truth. Then I saw the price - 1/2 off.

HALF OFF???? OK I'm in because you know what that means... If I find another pair that are half price I have created a 2 for 1 sale! I did have to have Bean with me when I hit the confirm payment button and I got a solid "Good job Mom!"

Oh the hunt was completed and I succeeded.

I went through the process on the Call it Spring website. I found 2 pairs that called out to me did the size thing found a pair of Khaki ankle boots little shit kickers in leather and black knee high boots. I don't care if I'm 5'11" I can add another 2-3 inches and be all leg because they are damn cute shoes! I tracked them obsessively and once I had them there was that moment of oh god what if they don't fit? What if they don't look as good as the pic? Questions, questions that all disappeared when I opened the boxes, I was in love. Yes with my shoes, in some ways I am a girly girl. After those shoes I'm a 6'2" girly girl.

I would have attached a pic but I didn't think about that until just now.

Would I go back to Spring? Yes

Would I recommend Spring? Yes

Besides that I got my reserve tickets for DEADPOOL (11 days can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!) and every time I see a Suicide Squad trailer I squeal with glee. It's going to be a huge movie year and it all begins with Deadpool. Not a bad way to start it off. My Scene card is going to get a lot of action. Even my LootCrate this month is Deadpool and the Walking Dead. I split the crate with Sese every month and even she was like "I'm not getting anything from that crate am I mom." A statement not a question.

I guess that makes me a girly girl that likes Comic books, movies, shoes and other random things.

Alright guys time to get my head in the Monday game.

Have a great week!

See Ya.

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