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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Animal House Buffet...I Think Not!

Welcome back Lovelies!

So just when I thought that this years Spring run of weird animal stories in my zoo was going to be a bust I woke up this morning to an interesting story.

Now it used to be that I would let Cali my Aussie Cattle dog roam the house at night because she is always on patrol. She likes to pace the house at night and I like to think she's checking all the doors and you know... protecting us. On more than one occasion she has caught raccoon's, stray cats and birds coming in the windows which would then result in the whole upstairs portion of the house being scared awake as her high pitched shrill barking would have us shooting out of bed running into walls with weapons because we weren't fully awake yet. So... for that alone we stopped letting her roam at night.

A few years back my cat Oz had been attacked by Coyotes which I wouldn't have known except for Cali the super dog jumping on the bed and barking. Yup she had Oz's back that day and I woke up chased them off twice and then my injured cat hid under the couch for 3 days, well this morning Choo woke up, does his regular thing in the morning, made coffee getting ready for the day and then heard a noise. When a streak of fur running at 100 mph that turns out to be one of our cats came barreling in the house ( And she's girthy so her barreling is something to see ), he thought she was bringing a rat in the house because they do that and kitties...mama doesn't want your presents. Then a second cat came screaming in the window and he knew something was off.

Unfortunately a dead rat was not the case this time as he went to investigate and there...with it's head in the kitchen window...was a coyote. Ballsy lil things they are.

Our back porch is gated off but more often than not the gate is left open because it never stops the raccoons anyway who just think it's party time on our back deck at 3 in the morning raiding the green waste. We even have a Squirrel ( Spider squirrel I call him ) that scales the walls of our house for...wait for it...bananas! Have you ever seen one carrying off a banana the size of itself? It's pretty funny.

This Coyote though was unfazed at a human man frozen in shock staring at him. As Choo tries to shoo the skinny furry beast off the deck, it doesn't seem to care much about the man yelling at him to go away and decides as it's going that it's going to drag one of my plant pots that I am trying to grow herbs in, off with it. It's not a small pot and Choo who knows me well enough to know that when it comes to my plants and destroying them...well...your death will be swift.

 So with that urgency riding on the back of the shock of having A COYOTE IN THE WINDOW...he shooed it away and then as he was doing so noticed the other one standing guard. I wish I saw them so I could tell if they were the same ones that attacked my cat and at the same time I know they are looking for food and there is nowhere for them to go but don't come to my house! We have enough! I'm so glad Cali wasn't out roaming for that, I mean what if she was and either it jumped in or she jumped out? Something very bad would have happened!

Note to self...install a video camera on the deck just so I can watch what happens at night.

I get up hear this story and warily let the dogs out this morning and as usual the 2 male terriers ( Jack Russell & Pitbull ) go out, do their thing and come inside in a timely manner not caring about the air around them but oh no...not California...she's tracking them and sniffing every corner they touched and checking every cat. She's aware now and that's trouble.

So!...that is the first event of animal behaviour this season and I'm sure not the last.

Have a great week!

See Ya!

P.S. I didn't forget about the smutty book thing and yes there will be a deep discussion about that next time!

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