Hello Lovelies!
It's a craptacular Monday! Full of rain and wet socks in squishy shoes and not my idea of a good time as the wind tries to blow my umbrella inside out and the rain is sideways, I have to say but it's nothing outside of what we're used to here.
So how was your week? I'm hoping full of stuff that you got done and at least a few you didn't! Mine consisted of a few people thinking they were being smart but really they weren't and showing their immaturity in the process. Another few the opposite way that didn't think what they were doing was smart and it turned out working in their favour. It just goes to show how different people are and how they perceive things in day to day life.
This morning on the news they were talking about Happiness and what it takes ( money or otherwise ) to hit that happiness peak. Some say happiness is a state of mind and I agree! You can't stay happy all the time right? Sometimes such simple things make us happy, like a friend of mine that gets supper happy if you bring her disinfecting wipes...I know she's kind of OCD and a bit crazy at times but that's what floats her boat. Another friend that would only need a... this time anyway...for example Venti Decaf Soya Caramel Machiato extra hot ( who I owe a movie to, I remember! ) and others that get giddy from getting presented with Brownies to obtaining WOW time or growing an avocado tree.
Sometimes it's easy to achieve but the feeling doesn't last very long does it?
If we could only find that happy balance. What do you do when your happy? Try to spread it around? Dance? Annoy the not happy people with your overwhelming happiness? Sometimes happy is watching your favourite classic horror movie while eating popcorn your kid put skittles in.
I just saw way too many people this morning that were rude and dismissive when they didn't need to be, but hey who knows what they have going on right? Besides you can't make everyone happy but you can make at least one person smile.
Like the train station this morning. Packed full of people getting tickets...I didn't need to get on so I sidled along behind them trying to get to the platform when my bag hooked a big garbage can and t came crashing to the ground. The guy behind me bent down to pick it up as I turned around and asked if it was me that knocked it over. He was laughing when he said "yes it was." and me being me says "of course it was...because it's Monday and it's me."
To my surprise a few others in the 4 lines for tickets started laughing too so at least they started their day off with with a giggle.
On those days though where you can't find the happy or the laughter just remember that it'll get better...eventually...but it will because everything is changeable, whether you know it or not.
With that said I'm going to consume even more coffee and try to make this day go as quickly as possible.
Have a great week!
See Ya