Can you my sarcasm this morning? Why I post on Monday's I have no idea, maybe it makes my day better after checking in with you?...and possibly a caffeine IV.
I'll check after this post.
Funny though I have no idea where this post is going to go today! I saw on the news this morning that today is the most depressing day of the year.
I don't find it depressing so much that it's Monday and that's always a long drawn out drag my ass day, but I think of mid January as the road to the upside of brighter days ahead. Not much longer and the weather will brighten up! Clocks will spring forward and being here in Vancouver it will still rain...A LOT...but that's OK as long as the days are light. I'm already thinking of getting back out there on the porch, in the sun and that keeps me going through the possibly awful Feb we MIGHT have. It is supposed to be the coldest month but I still see things blooming and the squirrels are confused too.
For that matter so are my cats and their fur...Bast is full fluff while Oz maintains his coat but Boscoe...poor Boscoe he's so screwed that his winter fur is in a battle with summer fur and he's starting to look like one of those hideous hairless cats! He just turned 9 though so maybe he's going through a kitty cat midlife crisis.
(Oh ya baby positive thinking, that's how I roll with it)
I got an update on Touring Tony who has a Facebook page and an Instagram page but still hasn't turned up yet at my door! I have been assured that his kidnappers have been notified and he should be making his way to Canada to me and hopefully we don't traumatize him too much!
If your interested in having Touring Tony visit you check out the pages and be sure to follow the instructions and he could be on his way to you.
My weekend was so uneventful that I don't even remember what I did!
I wrote ( that's an improvement )
I posted what I wrote ( also an improvement )
I wrote some more ( a pattern? )
Spent time catching up on You Tube videos ( remembered that I have one to edit and post from forever ago and might forget again )
I did some Social Media Maintenance and realized that there are still some things I know nothing about ( keeps me interested and lost at the same time )
Blondunicorn had her birthday! ( and a tech meltdown but it's all good )
Another friend relived a loss and reminded us that life is precious. ( live every bit of it you can )
What did you do?
Have a great week!
See Ya,
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