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Monday, June 16, 2014

My Kind Of Crazy, No Fear and No Procrastination.

Hello Lovelies!

I'm back from my Staycation and managed to stay successfully away from my Social Media except for the occasional Tweet! Yay me!

In that time I've decided that I'm officially crazy, brain scrambled crazy. Part of me was so bored and itching to do something exciting because life as I know it could be over at anytime!

I know, reaching but you never know...

Have you ever had so much you want to do all at the same time that you just don't know where to start?

 That's me from what to do around the house (PURGE EVERYTHING! DIG THAT UP! BUILD A GREENHOUSE AND FILM IT ALL!) to something crafty (BUILD THAT BIO-MECHANICAL ARM! PAINT THAT CANVAS! PUT SWEATERS ON THE DOGS, LAUGH HYSTERICALLY AND FILM IT ALL!) Among many, many other things that my brain runs through everyday.

Then do you hate it when something you want to do is put off because you need to do something else in order to do that first thing? Like money, incentive, purpose and a trunk big enough to hold a grown person with no trunk release?

Now the filming is just because I would like to document my kind of crazy for the grand kiddies and my kiddies in case they forget what I was like or need proof to put me in the padded room later on and come to think of it that's why I started blogging int the first place so that when I'm gone there is a record of my insanity...FOREVER! You want to know insanity? Re-making Poltergeist...that is insanity because you know that stupid clown is going to be so much worse than the original one.

(Oh and Craig...I'll go see IT with you as long as you are on one end of the theater down in front so I can see you coming.)

Where to start though? What to do and when to do it? Spontaneity or carefully planning? Can you do both? Ahhh but trying the new steps or jump right in?

I said last year was a year of Realization for me and this year is the year of Action maybe it sounds kind of like a midlife crisis yet it's more like a GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING isis. That's where the stumbling block is though. I think about every aspect of everything before I make up my mind and I'm a classic Procrastinator. Well the kids are grown and having kids of their own, getting married and living their lives. They don't need me as much which is awesome and sad at the same time but that's what we do right?

Sooooo....why procrastinate? I'm going to try really hard to live the best way I can and laugh as much as I can along the way without stressing too much about the little things because it's the little things that piss me off and they always seem so much bigger than they are.

Just to go back to the sweaters on the dogs thing for a sec, that's because Whiskey's previous owner a good friend of ours that has passed away had a supply of clothes for him and he freezes as soon as you put clothes on him, he hates them and thus gets depressed and won't move... at all.

He just stands there...blinking in sadness while the others don't know what happened, just that he looks different so they stand there and stare at each other until something changes.

And as I just reread this and it appears like I had a sugarhigh or an IV of caffeine and considering how much sugar I take in my coffee it's probably that.

Now I'm sleepy, sugar crash on the way and hoping you guys have a great week!

See Ya

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