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Friday, January 20, 2012

A Day with the Canucks.

I should have posted this earlier in the week but here it goes anyway.

I couldn't sleep the night before the skate, which I figured I wouldn't. Lucky for me my girlfriend Salt from Fraser Lake showed up on my doorstep to crash for the night so that took my mind off of the possible impending skate failure I was expecting.

The next morning I got up and was ready to go about an hour and a half before we had to leave. SM showed up and I said goodbye Lori so she could go do whatever thing she was here for before she had to drive 10hrs back home then...we were off!

Did I mention that it started snowing Fri night and I almost died? We left my house and it was snowing, by the time we got to Braid Stn it was raining and when we got to Roger's Arena the sun was shining, what a pretty picture. Thank god because I had autographs on my hat and that would have ruined them.

We found our gate and were directed to an elevator that took us up to Wisers Grill were you looked out on the ice to see the Canuck's in a full practice which was... amazing. We received and full buffet brunch and tiny smoothies in the smallest martini glasses I ever saw. I don't have much more detail I can add  because there's too much to say and I'd be here forever, but I can ADD PICS!

Ooo I got excited there for a minute.

Alex Burrows, Cory Schneider and Alex Edler
 Me at center Ice in Rogers Arena

Dave Babych and Stan Smyl

All in all it was a great day that I'll never forget and after getting used to the skates I was wearing ( men's hockey skates ) I was fine no falling or anything! I was pretty happy about that and forgot how much I loved skating.
I'm hoping that my boss let's us go again next year. Bribery might be in order.

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