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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh a week to be had!

Well it's back to business for me after a week off with our dysfunctional weather and people, kids and pets running rapid, not in that order. I did get a few things done off my to do list...put my curtains up (given to me from a friend) got more plants in the house which is great because I was down to one poor Dragon tree that's about 15 years old and in need of some serious TLC so I chopped the tops off of it and replanted the two tops one there own in separate pots, now I have two! After a trip to the dollar store, 2 Ivy's, an African Violet and a couple retrieved from work and brought home I have a tiny jungle going in my house again with two empty stalks in a window praying that they shoot out new tops.

There were visitors in and out for most of the week, friends from out of town and a running commentary going from a friend on her way to Sturgis North in Salmon Arm and I got this which made me laugh,

Can you see the similarity? The dog rides in his jacket and apparently enjoys every minute of it.

After the tornado of friends and teenagers I had time to work on my script somewhat anyway. My focus has been on character development and trying to find the appropriate software that can help me put everything together. I have a couple of strong characters going and the story is embedded in my brain and on paper since it started out as a novel I was writing. After the battle of my brain the script won vs the novel and I'm really excited about getting this off the ground. There will be more to come about that in the future.

Shows like Sons of Anarchy, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad fuel my love of writing. The Walking Dead, Mad Men, Dexter... I could go on forever. Oh and True Blood! One of my faves due to it's humour, storylines and the fact that everyone must agree to be half naked ( fully for some cast members) for each episode. I read the books and found that the show is VERY loosely based on them which is fine and I'm very team Eric and loving the story with him so far in Season 4. The viking vampire sheriff is gone and a cute little boy trapped in a really nice body has replaced him. Pam is a rotting walking corpse and funny to watch, Sam is still trying to find something to love that will love him back, Tara is still Tara who I thought that changed but alas I was wrong, Jess, Hoyt and Jason are comic relief right there along with Terry, Arlene and the lovely Lafayette. Bill... I still don't understand why he does the things he does but don't really care and Sookie without her there would be no one to save on a weekly basis.

With that said I'll see you next week!

1 comment:

Peanut Buttah Muddah Fuggah said...

Pam is still hot. Yeah, I said it.