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Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

    Well as we do our thing today to get ready for the comming New Year we say goodbye to the things that made this year memorable. Some good and some bad and some really tough to get through but we made it! I am very excited to start this next year of my life and try to put myself more and more out there to experience things. I think my only resolution this time is to keep an open mind, I do keep it open as it is and sometimes too much but I want to be able to try new things and give it a better effort to move forward with the things I love and fear.

    I have found that I have some of the best friends and people in my life to help me accomplish the things I strive to. Even those that I don't see that often and speak to sparatically are some of the most important to me and I highly value their opinion and you're always in my thoughts ( you know who you are ). I've been writing again things kind of slacked off after the big and trecherous move we endured but my perspective is back and this is one thing I want to complete in the new year. Getting published will be another phase to go through and I am inspired by people everyday that give me the strength to believe that this can happen.

    Focus is my main objective without focus my multi-tasking is all over the place so something to ground my thoughts is always a good thing.

    So as this entry will be a short one I wish everyone the best this last day of 2010 and hope that your next 365 of 2011 will bring with it all the good things you're wishing for and that this ordinary girl won't be so ordinary next year.

    Have a blast tonight and be safe out there. See ya next year!

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