The weekend after I went to Victoria for the conference I had a work picnic which was definitely cold for June but I had fun especially at the petting zoo in Queen Elizabeth Park. The bunnies, sheep, baby cow, peacocks and goats...ahhh the goats kept me occupied while we were freezing. Thank goodness it wasn't raining.
While Red was telling me " I must feel the wool on the baby sheep! " baby goat #69 wandered up slammed his head into my calf and rubbed it there for like 2 full mins!
Being a city girl and not around goats, like ever really, I'm sure the look on my face was one of sheer confusion and a bit of fear wondering why this was happening and I felt a little violated!
The day was good though and I survived through my allergies after we got home. My Jack Russell was very interested in where the goat had forced his scent on my leg and the funny thing was he growled at my calf.
The next Friday was the nightmare of my nightmares! I woke up did my usual thing to get ready for work. I went downstairs to let my dogs out and let Whiskey slid out first and after a few seconds let Cali out. I let them out the door at different times so they don't take off into a full run into the alley where a car or pedestrian could be walking by. Whiskey rounded the corner out of view and Cali took off into the center of the yard, so as I'm thinking about the last minute things I needed to do before going to work Whiskey comes tearing around the corner, chest bright yellow and the biggest skunk ever chasing him towards the house. At first I kind of didn't register what was going on until the skunk stop dead in front of me standing on the top stair tail fully flared.
Then the smell hit and and all I could think was "OOH CRAP..." Cali was still in the yard and hadn't seen the skunk yet! I stood frozen trying not to move when the skunk turned around and started lopping away. That's when Cali saw it thank goodness when I called her she came running.
By now I've decided I have to get the dogs on the balcony but the back stairs have been ripped off for repairs and the front door is locked so I HAD to take them through the house to get them up there because our yard isn't fenced.
NOTE TO SELF #1: No matter what...DO NOT take the dogs through the house!
By now I've decided that I'm not going to work because of the last time the dogs got sprayed by a skunk and I went to work.
NOTE TO SELF #2: DO NOT take the train to work thinking you don't smell really bad...cause you do!
After a ranting message to my Office manager about the skunk thing (I'm sure she was laughing ) I stayed home and set out to de-smell my dogs. Problem! it's 6:30 am and nothing opens until 9 or 10. Great so after waking up almost everyone in my house with every profane word I could spit out in a short period of time, the headache starting from my rage and the smell... we sat outside for about 3-4 hours.
In the end Cali never got sprayed but had to go through the whole process anyway ( What a trooper ), Whiskey still smells but not nearly as bad and I keep a serious lookout for the skunk.
Saturday, Sese and I went and saw Snow White and the Huntsman! AMAZING! I'd see it again and I never do that in Theater.
That made me happy! Lets see what this weekend brings. I've set deadlines for myself on the next 2 chapters I really hope the weekend is uneventful enough for me to complete them.
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