So the other night I'm helping Choo make dinner we have teenagers all over the house inside, outside, and in Choo's kitchen there is Choo, Bean, the Carny, Shay and myself and Bean steps up ( we have a very open household ) and says mom did you get me tampons?
Uh Oh...
Mom (that's me): Oh crap I forgot!
Bean: Well can you go now?
Mom: I don't wanna go now! I'm making dinner ask dad.
Choo behind me making washing dishes: I'm not going... I don't get those.
Mom: Ya... I know...
Bean: but mom I need them.
Mom: I'll give you money and you go get them.
Bean shakes her head emphatically: I'll get Al to go! ( Bean's boyfriend who's at home probably sleeping because he's borderline narcoleptic in my opinion )
Mom: You are not dragging him out here to go get you tampons!
As the bickering goes on back and forth for about a minute, Choo from the sink quietly says: It takes a real man to get tampons.
As I open my mouth to argue this point since he won't get ME tampons, now he's backtracking trying to stay out of trouble.
The Carny out of the corner puts his hand up: I'll go!
The silence is deafening as we all stare blankly at him and since we've only met this kid a couple of times...this seems really, really strange.
After I snapped out of my daze,
Mom: Choo give him money, Bean go get the box so he knows what to get you.
Choo: (snickering by the sink) Do you think he'll really get them?
Mom: Better him than us.
Bean comes back with the box,the Carny folds it to put in his back pocket.
Mom: Are you sure you want to do this?
Carny: Yup It's no big deal!
Mom: OK go to the drugstore they're cheaper there.
After the initial shock wore off when he left we couldn't believe this kid took off to get my daughter tampons...who knew!
He came back proud of himself and you know what I guess that makes him a real man.