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Friday, April 15, 2016

I Did It! I Did It! I Did It!

Well It's Friday and I couldn't resist!

This week was big for me because after all of the book learning and stress and pressure, on a completely peer pressured leap that I said I wouldn't take thanks to Choo and Lo actually earned me my Motorcycle Learners License!

I know! I was just as surprised but the one thing I can say is that regardless of reading the material from ICBC or doing the online practice tests there were questions on there that were not in anything I read. That freaked me out and I had to take 2 tests because I couldn't get my M license without my D license which I let expire many many....many moons ago. Every lady I handed it to ( because there were 3 ) looked at it and said "Wow I haven't seen one of these in a really long time!"

Really...I get it ok let's move on now.

So the drivers test was easy and considering that I've had that one so long and done it so many times I felt like I had better pass it, especially since in 1 week...7 days not only did one of my best friends get his, Choo got his and both my girls got theirs so ya no pressure people! T is the only one in our house now that doesn't have a license of some kind and now she's raring to go.

The only drawback was that they took the only picture ID I had so I couldn't go transfer my bike over and insure it. Now I have to wait for snail mail to deliver it and it could take up to 30 days but I know it won't. Still though I hate waiting, until then I'll keep asking my riding friends questions and trying to get used to her weight and wrap my head around the fact that I'm doing something that I never thought I would.

Never...thought...I would.

The long and short of it is that I did it and I'm proud of myself and my family for their support and efforts of their own to make each of their dreams manifest. I know it's still a long road but another step has been taken and I had to share that with you!

Have a fabulous weekend!

See you Monday

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