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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Walking Dead or Dead Walking?

    After a fun filled Sunday of watching the marathon of the Walking Dead to get ready for the premier I found out that my youngest daughter knows absolutely NOTHING about surviving a Zombie Apocalypse! How is this possible? I know it sounds stupid but yes I have a Zombie phobia. Is there a name for that?

    The Zombie walk in Vancouver every summer? I stay home that day. Someone would get hurt if I walked on the skytrain or up Granville and it was loaded with zombie loving, fake rotting flesh, costume wearing people. I heard about the people that were filming Resident Evil 4 in Ontario ( I think it was there) the platform they were standing on fell, 16 or so people got injured and the paramedics couldn't sort out the injuries. Well that's really convincing make-up.

   Now B ( my youngest ) knows this and has paid no attention whatsoever to my fear of the undead.

   Zombies creep me out!

   I don't care if they are possible or not, they creep me right the out, yet I have to watch every Zombie movie, TV show or anything associated with them. So you'd think that she'd get it but... she really doesn't.

   My oldest Sese and I have gone to great lengths discussing the possible rate of survival if this was to happen. Even her father has had the 'what if' conversation with us, you know the escape routes, possible weapons etc. and as much as I know and have watched documentaries on infectious diseases and their rate of infecting subject A or subject B, ( why I do this to myself I have no idea ) that things wouldn't happen as quickly as portrayed in the movies. So what it will happen slower? What happens in my head is that someone somewhere could be messing with that same exact thing thinking 'hey maybe we really could reanimate the brain, so just for shits and giggles let's try!'


I know! Just to freak us out or me the obvious target of the insanity!

   B asked me if she was a zombie if I'd kill her and I said " yes, yes I would! " With no hesitation. she said but don't you love me and I replied " yes I do that's why I'd shoot you " Now before some people I know get all hysterical about me shooting my daughter remember that for this she's a Zombie who is more than likely going to try and eat me.

I'm going to have to educate her and T some more because if I turned into a Zombie I'd sure as hell hope they shoots me...Sese will she's trained.

That was just a little something for Halloween, you know what's worse that Zombies?... Zombie Clowns them and their stupid shoes.


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